School Supplies

In the 2023-2024 school year, we announced an exciting new school supply program that benefited all elementary school students in our district. We are happy to say that we will be continuing with this program for our elementary schools and have now extended it to include our middle school.
Beginning this fall, we will also provide middle school students with essential items such as pencils, pens, notebooks, crayons, markers, and glue sticks. Middle school students will also continue to be provided with 1:1 devices.
We are excited about the opportunities this program will provide for our elementary and middle school students and its positive impact on their educational experience. To ensure easy access and transparency, we have made information about the program available on each school's website and in the elementary and middle school student handbooks.
If you would like to request a backpack and/or water bottle for your child, please contact the main office of your child’s school.
For families with high school students, please be on the lookout for additional information regarding high school students. With 1:1 devices for each student and many different course offerings, applying a universal supply list is difficult. That said, you will be hearing about resources available in our community and updates on course fees.
Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or needs.