Maintenance » Maintenance


Our maintenance department is well known for being jacks of all trades, as each team member helps wherever they are needed. Listed below are team members with job title and area of primary focus.  
Marty Brewer
Maintenance and Custodial Supervisor
Norman Stickle
Skilled Maintenance
Jason Uhls
Skilled Maintenance
William "Cy" Neal
Maintenance Technician/HVAC
William "Bill" Tucker
Chris Getzin
Skilled Maintenance/Grounds
Kalie Lenn
Office Manager
Peter Dowling
Skilled Maintenance
Contact Information:  
Maintenance Department
28233 Hwy. 410 East
P.O. Box 2050
Buckley, WA 98321
Office: 360-829-3361
Fax: 360-829-3387